If you’d like to commission one of our talented illustrators, or discuss a project in detail, get in touch.
Come say hi.
You can find us a few minutes walk from either Farringdon or Barbican tube station: 41 Charterhouse Square, Ground Floor, London, EC1M 6EA, England.

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No biggie, but for every project we invoice, we plant a tree.
In association with Ecologi, we're committed to planting a tree for every project we invoice. That's around 700 trees every year, doing our little bit to combat the climate crisis.

If you're a brilliant illustrator, who would like to be represented by us, please get in touch. We look for work of the very highest standard, with a unique style that is different from the artists already on our books. Perhaps more importantly, we only work with highly professional and reliable people. Good work will take you so far, but a positive attitude and strong work ethic is essential. To submit your illustration portfolio, please email us no less than nine low-res JPGs to: